It's very hot today!
It was more than 30℃ today. It's very hot and humid! I don't like this conition. In sunny day, I go to the station by bike, and it's good to take a bike for my health and to ride on it with seeing a beautiful scene makes me relax, so I don't hate it.

BUT! When I back to my house, it's around 5:30 p.m., and, you know, the sun is shining! It makes me tired... And, what's more, there's a slope on my way to my house. What'll happen? I can't go up with riding on the bike in such a hot and glaring day.
After I get to my house, I'm too tired to talk to someone. I just want something to drink, so I open the refrigerator. In it, there's a beer! These days, I knew how great it is to drink a beer in hot day. It's about 6 p.m., so I didn't drink it, and waited to the dinner. At dinner time, it refreshed me. One day, I want to go to the beer garden, the outdoor beer restaurant.
Can I change flights?
There may be a flight to Joplin! My father told me about it and also I searched. It's true that there's no flights with American Airlines. But I found with U.S. Airways. I've not heard this airline comany, but if there's a flight into Joplin, it's useful! I'm going to ask my travel agency tommorow, but I'm not sure whether I can change my booking flights in this time. It's almost July, and I'll leave Japan in busy days; around August 11th. It's Obon season in Japan, and people go overseas, so seats will be researved soon. I don't like to think about a bad situation, but it's the best way to go to Joplin. I hope I can change it and book a flight.
from Umeda, Osaka
Hello, I'm blogging from internet cafe in Umeda, Osaka. There's a big super market of electric goods, Yodobashi Camera. In here, there's an internet cafe. It's very comfortable for me to spend time here.
Today, I came Osaka to waych the film, STAY. Do you know this film? Ewan McGregor is starring in it. I really like him! I'm a big fan of him! I have been a fan of him since I was a junior high school student, around 13 years old. Now, I'm 20-year-old, so it means that about 7 years have past! Wow!! I didn't think this lasts such a long time! Before I came to this cafe, I bought a ticket, and I got a special present! hehe~:) It's a picture of him! OH~~~!!!! How cool he is! I love him! I can't stop my feeling! He's very cool and cute and handsome!! It's hard to say in one word how I like him. I can't put the pic here now, so I'll put it in this evening from my home.
It's around 11:10 now, so I'll have a lunch! Have a good day!
Today, I received the TOEFL score that I took last month at the university. I was very worried about the score, because I couldn't get good score even though I took it many times. Compare with the score of my first TOEFL, it getting better but it wasn't what I want to get. I wanted to get more than 550. You know, 550 is known as the lowest score to study abroad. I'm going to do it from this summer, but I didn't have. BUT! Finally, I got 550! It's ashamed to say it here, but I'm really really happy now! Almost all of my frieds who will study abroad already have more than 550, of course, so I was impatient about it. I thought many times, "I'm not a good student. I'm not fit to study abroad." Actually, I'm not good at grammer, because I didn't do well in my high school days. I hated the way of learning of English in high school. Teachers always demanded to study for the entrance exam. I was thinking, "Is it important to communicate with people?" I didn't know about TOEFL and TOEIC in those days, so the studying itself was all for entrance exam for me. But, I think it was important. I really think so now. it's impossible to back to the days, therefore I have to do it with myself if I want to study; however, it's hard to have time for my extra studying.
Before I took this TOEFL, I studied grammer with text book. It bore fruit! Oh, I should study from earlier. Of course I have to study especially expressions and vocabulary, but I hope it will give me a great time.
my PC
My new computer came to my house today. I could somehow set-up Windows. So I can write essays or listen to music, but I haven't signed for the internet provider yet, so I can't be on the net. I was seeing some homepages of providers, but... it's difficult to choose, isn't it? They have their original rate plans, and they're all attractive! Therefore, I googled (this is my first time to use this word. haha.) which provider is good for using in overseas. Then, there was a one that sounds good. It has many places to dial in the US, of course the town I'll stay, and it has several kinds of courses, the rate. I haven't decided which one to choose, but it looks better than any other one, I guess. I asked it to send me some information sheet.
But, I think that... it costs very much!!! The computer cost almost same as my round-trip plane tickets. And, I'll travel around the US in long vacation, so I'll need some money even if I pay attention not to use too much. The money always bother me; however, yesterday, I talked with some friends who will study abroad from this summer and who were studying abroad last year. I heard many many things from them. I really appreciate them. They told us some important things, for example, about packing and bank account. And also, they told us about the laundry and some sweets :) The story about the laundry was very interesting to listen to, but if it's my case, I will not be able to laugh, because the clothes shrink! One of them was unbelievable story, but it happened actually. Today I asked my mother who has lived in the US for some years about it, and then she answed, "YES." Oh~... She said the machine dries out clothes with a warm breeze, so they used to shrink. Her advice was to buy bigger one. I think it's true, because the machine shrinks them and also I'll gain weight. :p
good bye St.Louis
In last post, I said I would stay at St. Louis before to go to Joplin. But, last night, I received an email from the travel agency, and he said, "From this August, the American Airline will not have flights between St. Louis and Joplin, so the nearest airport from the university is Springfield in MO. Please ask the university about the pickup services." I can't believe it! Why from August!? Oh, no~! :( I have a class with a native professor tomorrow, so I'll ask him to check my English of the draft of the email to the university.
These days, I'm very anxious about my studying abroad. Especially, I'm worry about my English ability. I rarely have the opportunites to speak English. Listening and reading English are more available than speaking in my daily life, for example, reading English novel or newspaper in the library, blogging (like this), and Podcast. The Podcast is a really really great tool, I think. I listen three Podcast; CNN News, TOEFL Podcast, and Bob&Rob Show. I've been listening CNN and TOEFL for about five months, but Bob&Rob's been started to listen to from Yesterday. So, I've not listened it so much yet, but it's bery interesting. Yesterday, I was listening to it on my way to the university. It's thirty-minute show, and when the speakers, Bob and Rob, said something funny, it's hard to stand laughing! I wanted to laugh, but I was in the train, so I couldn't... Anyway, they're good to imorove my listening skill. The problem is speaking as I said. Do you have any good idea? In this connection, I don't have web-mike or something conveninent for chatting on line.
Flight Plan
I guess there's a film of this title.
Finally, my flight plan has been set! I'll leave Japan on August 11th. Most of my friends say, "It's very early, isn't it?". I think so, too. I know, in the U.S., the first semester will begin from September, but in the university I'll go, MSSU, the classes will begin from the mid in the August. However, I don't mind it, because anyway I have to go there. And also, the whole semester will finish in May, that means, I can study more than other students. It's very lucky, isn't it? I really appreciate this opportunity.
I'll take the 17:30 plane from Kansai International Airport to St. Louis in Missouri via Dallas in Texas. My goal is Joplin in Missouri, so I'll transfer to another plane. But before that, I must stay a hotel in St. Louis. No one believe that it'll take two days to go to my goal! THE UNITED STATES! Of course, I was surprised, too. There're only two flights from St. Louis to Joplin in a day, so I have to stay, but I also think it's a good opportunity, because I would not have such an occasion in my daily life. The travel agency is arranging about the hotel, and I'm going to stay the Airport Hotel.
There are about two months until my departure. I'm excited and also anxious about my flight....
presentation of certification of studying abroad
I'm not sure the title makes the sence.
Today, I had a ceremony at the university. It's a presentation of certification that I passed the demanded courses for studying abroad. I had three classes; American multi-culturalism, study skills (about how to write the essays and take the exams), and the body and communication in Japan. From February to May, I had taken them, and they were very different from other classes I've ever had in Japan, so there're some difficulties and frustration; however, they're all good for me, and I believe the experience will brought me the great time and experiences in my studying abroad to Missouri.
The ceremony started at 4:00 p.m., and it contained the speeches from the president, the dean, and the professor. In the professor's speech, he said some important things in studying abroad. First of all, students must study hard. The students who attended today will study abroad at least 1 year, and the longest term is three years. If the students got a bad score in first semester, they have to back to Japan, so, to achieve our goals, studying hard is important. The other things he said were to make friends and not to make Japanese friends and so on. The thing I remember the most is to phone up to the family. He said writing the air mail or email is also good, but the phone makes people to hear the voice. The reason why I remember this the most is my father who is in Korea for his job often, almost everyday, calls to my family. I thought it's really important, so I'll call to my family from the United States.
After the ceremony, I received the certification, and took pictures with friends. I'm really happy to share the time and the happiness of passing the courses with my friends. There's no students from my university to go to Missouri Southern State University except me, so I'm a little bit nervous and afraid of my life there, but also I'm looking forward to meet people from all over the world and have a great time there!

I want your ideas.
There's a thing I've been curious about.
The World Cup of soccer games will be held in some days.
Usually, I don't care about the soccer games, but , in such a big
worldwide games, I do watch them. haha!
Anyway, in Japan, each TV station has its own special program about it.
Then, they always have their theme tunes (signature tunes).
For example, NHK has a song by Japanese pop music group.
The songs are different from each station.
It's same in the case of the Olympic Games.
(I think the Olympic Games' are clearer than the soccer's one.)
Is this only in Japan? Or, do your contries have a similar one?
I'm really looking forward to know your answers!!!