Thursday, June 01, 2006

I want your ideas.

There's a thing I've been curious about.

The World Cup of soccer games will be held in some days.
Usually, I don't care about the soccer games, but , in such a big
worldwide games, I do watch them. haha!
Anyway, in Japan, each TV station has its own special program about it.
Then, they always have their theme tunes (signature tunes).
For example, NHK has a song by Japanese pop music group.
The songs are different from each station.
It's same in the case of the Olympic Games.
(I think the Olympic Games' are clearer than the soccer's one.)
Is this only in Japan? Or, do your contries have a similar one?
I'm really looking forward to know your answers!!!


At Sat Jun 03, 08:50:00 a.m., Blogger スロ / Bernat said...

Mmm well here too... but Spain will not win, and they know, but they want to believe hahahah

At Sat Jun 03, 09:41:00 a.m., Blogger Azusa said...

Thank you for your comment.
Does your country have one(the song)? I'm not sure which team win and lose, but I think to enjoy is important!

At Wed Jun 14, 07:10:00 a.m., Blogger CCoder said...

Probably, each TV station has a comercial agreement with different discographic companies. That could explain why they have diff. songs.

At Wed Jun 14, 09:13:00 a.m., Blogger Azusa said...

I've never thought about the comercial agreement. It may be true. Thank you for your comment!


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