Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Holiday

The final was over, and the grade is coming up.
I took 6 classes in fall semester, and listen! I got "A" for all classes!!!!!
I can't believe it! I'm very hapy to see my grade, because it's up to the grade whether I can stay one more semester or not. I can! I can study here for more one semester!!!!!!
Next semster, I wanna spend more time with theatre students, and I'll try the audition for the play and get the role! I WILL!!!!!!

The final was over, so the international students are getting back to their home. Most of them stay here for only one semester, so it's the time to be back.
These days, I say good bye to friends, and it makes me too sad! Today, I said good bue to Swedish, italian, and Chilian friends, and the tear ran... I couldn't stop crying... it's too sad...
The 4 months we spent was seemed to be long but actually was short. I believe we can meet someday in somewhere. But..., u know, it's really sad to say good bye. If it's in Japan, we can meet each other even though we live far from each other, but in this case, the world is the stage. We spend days in different countries. It's harder to meet with.
But I think this sadness means we had a great time. If we didn't spend days together so much, I wouldn't be so sad. The 4 months we spent together is my precious time and it'll be irreplacable memory in m life.

From tomorrow, I'll visit San Jose, San Francisco, Anaheim(Disney Land) and L.A. with my crazy Japanese friends. I'll keep up blogging if I can.

See you!!
Have a good Chiristmas!!!
Love, ya!


At Fri Dec 22, 08:26:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so great that you are still blogging! I'm so proud of your A's. You must have worked really hard. In my class, I only gave two students an "A" this semester. You're great!


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