I don't know what I wanna do.
Recently, I don't know what I wanna do in the universuty and the future. I hear some classmates are planning to study abroad and they have tests for that. When I was a freshman, I wanted to study abroad by using Kansai Gaidai's system, too. However, I realized that what I wanna study is impossible to learn in only one year!! From I was a junior high school student, my dream is to study about acting and if possible, I wanna be an actress. I like acting! But I'm very shy... So, to study about acting contains to change my character, not shy. But you know, it's impossible to study about acting in one year and the subject, drama or acting, is not like literature, chemicals, and phsycology and so on... I've heard there were some students who studied about photograph by using Gaidai's system. So it might be ok the subject I wanna study is drama. However, if I can learn drama, I wanna spend all the time for drama or acting! What should I do? Now, I'm planning to study abroad after graduate. But there is a problem...I have a scholarship system...That means I have to work to back money!!! Oh no... In this morning, I was thinking about this matter on the train. Then I had one idea that I'll go to study abroad to improve my English skills during the university student. However, as I wrote in last blog, I'm interested in Korean very much now. So, if I could, I wanna study abroad to Korea.
I think my sales point is I have interests for many things. For example, I like studying languages, taking pictures, blogging, and chatting with friends from all over the world... But sometimes this could be a bad point. In Japanese, we say "Yujufudan" I'm really crying:-(
In this year, I chose Korean as a second language. Last year, I had Italian class, but the class was very boring and I coudln't get any knowledge about Italian.(But I could passed!!) However, this year is very different from the last one. Korean class is very very interesting, and to learn Korean very attracts me! Of course, it is hard to study Korean, because the letters are different. But I found that to study the language that has different letters from alphabet is good chance to motivate my attitude for studying. So, when I see the Hangul alphabet at the Osaka station, my interests are stired up and I try to read them. When I could read, I'm very happy!!
In the Korean class, mainly students study about expressions that will be used in sightseeing. This summer vacation, I'm going to go to Korea with my family. I really would like to speak Korean in Korea, and have some communication even if my pronounciation is bad. I will say,"i ankyon chuseyo." "kimchi chuseyo." They mean,"I wanna buy this glasses." and "I'll take this kimchi.". Maybe, I'll wear new glasses after the summer vacation.(and I'll use my old glasses with red frame by changing its lens, soon.)
King Lear
I was really wanted to watch the play of the King Lear....
Today, the King Lear was played atthe Kansai Gaidai, which is the university I go to. The reasons why I wanted to see it were King Lear was the topic of English2 class, it was played by the group from London, AND I wanted to feel the atmosphere of the real play because my dream is to study about act after graduate!!
Oh... I lost the rare chance. Why my hometown is so far from the Gaidai?? No! Why the Gaidai is so far from my hometown??(hahaha!!) Some people say, "Why you don't live near the univ?" The reasons why I don't live in Hirakata are it's not impossible to go to the university from my house and I like my hometown. It makes me relax. The air is very different from the one of Hirakata or Osaka. Very fresh. And the view is so beautiful. Sunrise and sunset views are wonderful. So I don't have any plan to live in Hirakata. However, in like today's case, it's very convenient to live near the univ. In the future, I wanna go to see the Broadway in NY! And before going to NY, I wanna see the play of Gekidan Shiki!
STAR WARS episode 3☆
Wow! The STAR WARS episode 3 -Revenge of the Sith- was released in the U.S!! I like Ewan McGregor, so I like the Star Wars, too. Oh... I wanna go to the U.S... I wanna watch it, even if I can't understand. It will be released in Japan in July 9th. It's just 50 days before the day I can watch.
Some days ago, I watched a TV program that introduces some new films of the U.S. Then, I watched about the Star Wars and HE, Ewan, was talking about the film!! I was very happy when I saw it. He was very handsome in that program.(He is always handsome!) I've been a fan of him for about 8 years. I'm going to be a fan of him forever. I hope he'll come to Japan, because he has never come to Japan! If I heard the news that he'll come to Japan, I'll go to anywhere(maybe Tokyo) to see him. Oh... I LOVE Ewan McGregor!! Can anyone stop me?
oh...tomorow is the TOEIC day...I don't study at all...damn it!
I like having sweets very much. Especially, I like cheese cake the best! I've ever had some cheese cakes, but yesterday I met an amazingly wonderful cheese cake!
Now, at Hankyu department store in Umeda, special event that sells several food of Hokkaido are held. I heard from a friend of mine that in Otaru city, in Hokkaido, there is a cake shop which sells delicious cheese cake, and the cake is VERY good! But it's impossible to go to Hokkaido only to buy a cake. However, the cake shop, LeTAO, came to Osaka for the event. When I heard the information, I soon decided to go to Hankyu departmanet store to buy the cheese cake. Its name is Double Fromage. When I bought it, I was very happy, and I wanted to eat! But there are my family members who were looking forward to arriving of the cake not me.
After I ate the dinner, I opened the lid and very soft cheese cake appeared!! It was very very delicious and I was almost crying and was in heaven!
If you like cheese cake, I do recommend to try it! I hope you'll have the happiest time!
here is URL of LeTAO.....
new character!?
Today, I found the very intereisting article on the newspaper. It's about Colonel Sanders. He is very famous as a character of Kentucky Fried Chiken. The article says that he will change his looks! Now, his apperance is like grandpa, but he'll change into younger man. He'll be slender, less wrinkle, and wear red apron. This change will start in Kentucky State. And more, they'll change how to show their name. Now they shows their name as KFC, because "Fried" tells bad image in such days that people often talk about health. However, they'll use original name "Kentucky Fried Chicken" to have new image.
Which Colonel Sanders do you like better? I like old one, because he looks kind. Anyway, I rarely eat KFC...