Saturday, May 07, 2005

new character!?

Today, I found the very intereisting article on the newspaper. It's about Colonel Sanders. He is very famous as a character of Kentucky Fried Chiken. The article says that he will change his looks! Now, his apperance is like grandpa, but he'll change into younger man. He'll be slender, less wrinkle, and wear red apron. This change will start in Kentucky State. And more, they'll change how to show their name. Now they shows their name as KFC, because "Fried" tells bad image in such days that people often talk about health. However, they'll use original name "Kentucky Fried Chicken" to have new image.
Which Colonel Sanders do you like better? I like old one, because he looks kind. Anyway, I rarely eat KFC...

KFC Posted by Hello


At Mon May 09, 04:17:00 a.m., Blogger Scott Douglas said...

I think I like the older one too, but I hardly ever eat at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Maybe once or twice a year, maximum. However, when I was a little kid, sometimes I'd cry because I wanted to go to KFC (that's what my mum told me). I was a greedy kid!

At Fri May 13, 07:07:00 a.m., Blogger CCoder said...

... It seems like col. Sanders went to "Extreme Makeover" !^_^!
When i visited U.S., y ate at KFC. There was a hot-spicy-FC (Fried Chicken not Football Club)... It's delicious... But i think that kind of food is allowed once a year, if you don't wanna die...


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