busy but a great Saturday!
Yesterday, it was a very busy but a very great Saturday! I had to go to OBP and Osaka Minicipal Central Gymnasium(Osaka Chuo Taiikukan) for a paper of architectural class.
First, I went to Kyobashi to go to OBP. It was very beautiful and a lot of nature. I thought, "Is here Osaka!?" I took many pictures, and I went to SUBWAY for having lunch! I like SUBWAY better than McDonald's or other fast food shops, because SUBWAY's sandwiches have lots of vegetables!! It's soooo healthy, isn't it? After I had a lunch, I went to Osaka Castle. That's because, it's next to OBP and I didn't wanna pay fare from Kyobashi station to Morinomiya station. It's very hot, so it's a little bit hard to walk around Osaka Castele, but many years have passed since I went there when I was a little child, so I could have a good time.

Osaka Castle 
Then, by using subway, I went to Asashiobashi station. Do you know where the Asashiobashi is? It's near to Kaiyukan. That means, I acrossed the Osaka city! It was my first time to across Osaka. Hehe, I had a little trip(^^)
My little trip for the paper was finished! However, I had one more place I had to go. It's Osaka Social Securiyu Pension Hall (Osaka Kouseinenkin Kaikan)to have a private showing of Marathon, Korean movie. The show would begin at 6:00 and I had freetime for about one hour, so I went to cafe near the hall to waste my time. The cafe I went to is 'star cafe'. It's small cafe but was comfortable size for me. I like small cafe☆ I wanted to have cake and coffee as usual, but I walked all day long under the beating sun, so I felt a little bit sick, and wasn't the feel to eat sweet. Then, I ordered Yuzu-soda. It was SOOOO good! It made me feel better. And I found I can make it by myself! If I had jam from Yuzu and soda water, I can make it!! I'm gonna make it soon.

Before at 6:00, I went to the hall, and I had a wonderful two hours with a great moving film. I do recommend to watch it! It makes people laugh and at last, makes cry. And a fantastic thing was happened! Now, I have Korean class for the second language, and during the film, I could listen to and understand what characters say!!! It's unbelievable things for me!!
After the end of the film, I left Osaka and arrived at my home around 10:30. I was very tired but it was a great Saturday for me!!
favorite music
it's hard to choose one my favorite music, because I like many songs! Well... today, I will choose one music. It's "musunnde-hiraite", sung by Kinmokusei. It's a Japanese music band. there are same titled music in old Japanese song for children, but it's not. the reason why like this song is this song helped me. especially, the words itself. recently, I had aterrible experience and it was hard to spend days as usually. But this song's words eased my wounded heart. it is hard to tell you the contents in English, because it's Japanese song, but I can say it sid to me, "You can cry. Don't be though girl." still now, when i listen to the song, my eyes are filled with tears, and sometimes run. I think my terrible experience will not be erased by something or someone, but gradually, it'll disappear (but never), I hope.
to tell the truth, there are some music that eased my heart. But I showed special one today. If you can undersstand the Japanese, you can catch what they wanna say. however, if you can't understand Japanese, you van listen to music! melody is so nice and it also makes me cry.
I'm a chameleon.
Yesterday, I went to Yodobashi-Camera in Umeda. The reason why I went there is to go to the glasses store, Comme Ca Optique. I have 4 glasses, but two of them aren't fit my eyesight. So the glasses I use everyday are Green one and Brown one that fit my eyeseight. I like wearing glasses (yes, I like. But I must is better to say... ) so I have wanted to change lenses of two glasses that I haven't used for many years.
I went to Comme Ca Optique and asked to clerk to change lenses. (Comme Ca is very good! Good clercks, good display, variety of design, and good price!) It was good to make lenses that are same view as my present glasses, but I was afraid that I failured of eyesight. So I checked my eyeseight. Then to my surprise, it didn't!!! I was very happy! So my new two glasses are not different from my glasses I use these days. The new (old?) two glasses are Red one and Purple one. Red one is my first glasses I bought, adn it was after I graduated from the junior high school. And purple one has many colors! That means you can see many colors from different angle. Somtimes blue, and sometimes gray.
Now I'm blogging with wearing red one. I love it! Of course, I love all of them! I want more galsses☆ Perhaps, during this summer vacation, I'm going to buy new one. I wanna make a collection of several kind of glasses!!

watching movie and chatting
today, i went to movie theater and had lunch and chat with my friend. the movie we watched is "million dollar baby". it had some messages, and they left the message "what do you think about that? think!" in my heart, i think. to tell the truth, it contained some violent scenes, and i couldn't see them. however, i was moved by every characters and, of course, the film itself. the director of the film was Clint Eeastwood, and he played in it as a main character. he was also exector and a man for music. i was very surprised that he produced most of the main parts of the film! his acting was so impressed, and also the acting of Hilary Swank was... i can't say with my poor vocabulary!! she got prize of the best leading actress for the Academy Awards in this film, and this was her second time to get it.
after watching the film, we had lunch and chatted for about 2 hours. we talked about many things, but most of that was about her. yes! she was in the U.S. for her school program! she was in there for about 4 months. her talking was attracted me very much. she will back to the U.S. from September to December. and she told me she'll try to study abroad for 1 year. it was same as my dream, so we talked about studying abroad. she is my best friend and she always helps me in any occasion.

KANSAI airport
On Friday, I went to KANSAI airport after school to meet my father. He was going to arrive at 20:00, and I arrived at 16:00. I had four free hours!!! So, I went to 'sky view'(it's a balcony we can see planes for free), and I took many pictures. This is a part of them I took. Nowadays, I like taking pictures very very much!! So this area excited me! When I was there and seeing many planes that went to for and backed from somewhere in the world, I really feel that I wanted to study abroad. And I decided! I will take the test for studing abroad next time! Of course, I'll try to drama.(Tnaks a lot for your help, Scott!!)
KANSAI airport