Sunday, June 12, 2005

watching movie and chatting

today, i went to movie theater and had lunch and chat with my friend. the movie we watched is "million dollar baby". it had some messages, and they left the message "what do you think about that? think!" in my heart, i think. to tell the truth, it contained some violent scenes, and i couldn't see them. however, i was moved by every characters and, of course, the film itself. the director of the film was Clint Eeastwood, and he played in it as a main character. he was also exector and a man for music. i was very surprised that he produced most of the main parts of the film! his acting was so impressed, and also the acting of Hilary Swank was... i can't say with my poor vocabulary!! she got prize of the best leading actress for the Academy Awards in this film, and this was her second time to get it.

after watching the film, we had lunch and chatted for about 2 hours. we talked about many things, but most of that was about her. yes! she was in the U.S. for her school program! she was in there for about 4 months. her talking was attracted me very much. she will back to the U.S. from September to December. and she told me she'll try to study abroad for 1 year. it was same as my dream, so we talked about studying abroad. she is my best friend and she always helps me in any occasion.


lunch Posted by Hello


At Mon Jun 13, 10:52:00 p.m., Blogger Scott Douglas said...

Hey, your lunch looks like it was really great! I still haven't seen the movie "Million Dollar Baby", but I'll have to go see it soon. It sounds good!


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