train accident
These days, I often watch TV, especially news program, and read newspaper. That's because the terrible train accident was happend in Amagasaki near Osaka. I live in Sanda city, and I use JR Fukuchiyama line to go to the university and everyday I saw the scene!! In the day of the accident, I didn't know about that but many mails came to my handyphone. They said, "Are you ok?". At first, I thought, "What are you saying?". After that, I watched CNN news with my friend at the university, and I realized the terrible train accident was happend in Amagasaki. I was very shocked when I saw the scene and tears fall fast... I couldn't understand what has happened. I send e-mail to my friends who use Fukuchiyama line like me. They were safe, and I was relieved. When I went back to my house, JR line was unavailabled , so I had to use Hankyu line. It took about three hours to my home.
The next day, when I was on the train, Hankyu, one e-mail came to my handyphone. When I read it, I almost sank down on to the floor, and tears fall down. My classmates were killed by the accident. Ultimately, four memers who were in the same high school killed. And three of them were my classmates. I can't accept the fact and understand they are not exist.
When I went to their funeral, one TV reporter asked me some question. He asked, "What did you feel when you heard about him?", and "What message do you want to send to him now?" I answered his questions, but I got angry. That's because, I can't accept the fact even now!!
When I use the train, if train comes lately, I complained about that. But now, I don't say, because I don't wanna see such a terrible accident. What is safety? I think passengers use the train with trust. However trust was broken by this accident. I want JR to think about safety not the exact diagram.
Learn English in Childeren TV Program
In my house, there are some videotapes that has American TV programs for children. You may ask me "Why?". That's because, I had lived in the U.S. when I was a child (0~3 years old) and my mother recorded some programs to please me and my younger sister. Then, today I have a free time and the idea to watch the videotape popped into my head!
I watched the "Sesame Street". It's very popular in Japan. In the program, they use only English. But English that is used isn't so difficult, because it's for children. There were some phrases that I couldn't listen to and understand, however the behaviors of the characters helped me. When I watched it, I realized that TV programs for children are very good materials to improve my English listening skill. That's because characters' voices are not like humans'!! I have thought watching movies improve my English skill. It's true but actor and actress don't change their voices in the film. In the cartoon, characters don't have voices like us. For, example, Cookie Monster's voice is very hard to listen to! He says only "I LOVE COOKIE!" The phrase is very easy but his way of talking is different from our ways. I think to be able to listen to fast (natural speed) spoken English isn't the goal. To be able to understand English that is spoken by several people is the real goal. That's because, I can say, "Could you speak slowly?" but I can't say, "Could you change your voice?".
Anyway, I realized TV programs for children are good materials to improve my English skill. There are more videotapes in my house, so I'll watch them in my free time. And I realized one more thing today. When I was in a preschool, I often watched English videos, for example Sesame Street and Sleeping Beauty etc... How did I understand them with no Japanese!?
↓This is a word book. It's good to know nouns of the materials in our daily life!

Sesame Street 
Have you ever traveled alone?
Have you ever traveled alone? I haven't. But I will do in this Golden Week. I will go to Tokyo to meet my friends through my homepage, and go to the concert of Kinmokusei. It's my first time to go except Kansai area for the concert. I have been to Tokyo when I was a junior high school student for my school trip. However, I went to Tokyo with my classmates and theachers. So I've never been to somewhere alone. I'm not good at seeing the map...So, I'm worring about if I can go to the live house on time. Perhaps, in Tokyo, my many friends will help me. I've exchanged emails or chatted on the web with them, but never met with them. I wanna meet them as soon as possible! It's hard to stop my heart beat!
Then, I wanna have your idea. I'll bring some sovenior to my friends. What are good things to bring that apeal Osaka?

find the treasure
Do you have treasures?
There may be in the forest.
There may be in the bottom of the sea.
There may be on your side.
My treasures are...

It's not good for your health to run after eating something.
I ran last night with my younger sister(she is 11 years old) .
The park in the night was very quiet.
There were some people, but we couldn't see who they were.
We had decided to run along the track five times.
At the first time, I could run...but much time hadn't past since I finished eating dinner,
so I had a stomachache...that was paiunful!!
Then, I ran only one or two times, and after that, I walked.
My sister ran five times. (GOOD JOB!)
It's good for your health to run after a long rest from your eating.
Terrible Monday Morning
Today's morning was a bad morning!
I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and leave home with no late. These days, I eat the breakfast before class beginning, so today I also didn't eat the breakfast at home.
There are two ways I go to the university.
①Aino sta.(my hometown)→Kyobashi→Hirakatashi→Gaidai
It's convenient to use ① way, but the Kyobashi station is very crowded, so I took ② today. but, the train I took couldn't arrive at Osaka in time, and from Kyobashi, the train was very very crowded and I couldn't take the train I wanted to take! A station worker said to me, "Please take next one." It was 8:20 a.m. I took next train, but it was also very crowded and I was pushed by many people. It was hard to breeze...(×_×) I could somehow arrive at the Hirakatashi station. Then I went to the bus stop, and I saw a terrible scene...
Many students made a long long line!!! It was 8:45 a.m. After a while, I could ride on the bus, and come to the UNIVERSITY!
When I arrived at the class, it was 9:05 a.m. and it was five minutes before starting the class. So, I couldn't eat the breakfast....
I don't wanna have such a terrible beggining of the day anymore!!
Do you have any rules for your life?
Do you have any rules for your daily life? I have. My rules is to drink coffee every morning. Some people may think," What a small rule! Does it make your life better? " or something like that. But for me, there's a big different between morning with coffee and morning without coffee.
I don't drink coffee as black, but I have it with milk and sugar. Especially in morning, I'll have sweet one! (with much of milk and sugar) When I have the class from the first peroid, I have to leave home at 6:30 a.m.. In such an early morning, my brain doesn't work smoothly and my face is almost asleep, then I drink coffee to switch my condition. And I know that something sweets to drink or eat makes brain working. (does it make sense...?) So, I have sweet one.
I know this is a very small rule and it doesn't make my wish, for example, to imorove my English skills or make much money... However, I blieve this rule will start the new day with a good feeling!!
My Goals for English2
Yah! It's my first blog! I'll write about my goal for English 2.
My goal have natural conversation with classmates and Scott in English.
It's easy to have conversation in Japanese with my friends, but I think
they all want to speak English fluently.
To be a good speaker, we have to talk in English!
And Scott is the best professor and he helps us.
I hope in the last class, we'll be able to chat in Einglish like native speakers!!(^^)
And I wanna improve my English writing skill.
I believe that this task (blog) is a very good chance to improve writing skill.
In the last year, I wrote journals on the notebook, but the reader was only my
professor. However, in blog, readers are not only my professor but people
from all over the world!! Don't you think this is a fantastic chance!
So, I'll write down whatever I thought as many as possible.
Let's have a wonderful English 2 class, mates!!!
this is my first post
Hello, this is a test.