5 bad habits
I received the chain of "5 bad habits" from Federico.
So I'll answer them.
My bad habits are...
1. not good at waking up early
2. too spending money
3. too much eating(especially sweets;)
Sorry, two of them don't come up...
If I get them, I'll put on them.
Thanks, Federico!
And the 5 members I pass them are...
you! yes, you who are reading my blog! haha :D
December 29th ~third day~
Again, it's about my trip.
This was a big day for me! That's because...
I could take taxi and train with my Korean!!!
I was soooooo happy!
Before I leave Japan, my teacher of Korean class said to me...
"If you enjoy real trip, you should take public transportation."
yes, in last summer, I went some places but it's with my dad's driving.
In this day, dad had a work, so we three were planning to go Seoul.
From our staying town to Seoul, it took about one and a half hours by train.
But we didn't havt to change trains, so it was easy.
And it was so interesting! Everything is different from Japanese one!
For example, the most interesting point for me was sellers in the train.
it's so cold in Korea, so 4 or 5 people take train to sell groves or ear muffs and so on.
i couldn't understand what they said, but I understood that they sold things.
We safely arrived at Seoul.

in front of the Nandemon with my sister 

Nandemon market 
it's around 1 pm, so we went to restaurant for lunch.
we went to Myongdong area, and ate Sollontan. of course, it's yummy!

After the luch, we went around the area, and visited Myongdong Church.
I'm not a chirstian, but I went. it was beautiful!

Myongdong church 
And I went CD shop. it was a very place i wanted to go!
I wanted to buy Korean singer's CD, and I could get.
in the shop, Japanese CDs were sold, and my mom got Hirai Ken's new CD.
it's about 1800yen. if we get it in Japan, it'll take about 3000yen...
we were lucky!

myongdong area 
we went many shops and walked a lot.

lotte department sotre 
it's getting dark, so we went to station( it's hard to get there...)
on the way to the station, there was a skating rink.
at the center of the crossing! it's like pics of New York.(it's my image...)

skating rink 
we got home around 7 pm. of course, we took taxi to home.
when I told the address to the driver, my pronunciation was bad, so
he said, "huh? uh?" many times...
I somehow told, and we got.
the dinner was Sashimi. it's much cheaper than Japanese one.
we were really lucky!
the woman in the restaurant was so interesting and friendly.
(trully, she was a good friend of my dad)
she gave us some extra food for free! Kamsahamnida, Ajumma!!!(thanks!)
it was so great day! and I got confidence in my Korean.


January 9th
Before I write the third day of my trip, I'll write about January 9th. It's Coming of Age Day (Seijin no hi). In Japan, the ceremonies are held in each city. So, I attended the ceremony with my friends.
On the day, I left home about 6:30 am to wear Kimono. Wearing Kimono is very tough work... Of course, I can't wear it by myself! And after wearing it, Kimono made me hard to breath... oh no! I can't imagine that people many years ago were wearing it everyday...But I was happpy to waer it, because my grandmother and aunt made it! My grandfather's house is mercer (make and sell Kimono), so they made it for me! And I heard my kimono cloth was used for my mother's Kimono. I couldn't believe it! And my aunt also told me that it's impossible to make the same cloth with carrent technology. My Kimono's color is yellow, and the color is able to be make by plants by craftsmen's skill!
The ceremony itself was a little bit boring, but I could meet many friends and take pics with them. After I backed home, I took some pics, and took off Kimono as soon as possible. How comfortable it was! After that, I ate lunch and slept...
Wearing Kimono is hard, but it's a memorable day!!

December 28th ~2nd day~
In this day, dad went to work, so mom, sister, and I went to supermarket near to the house. We went there by foot, but it was so cold! It's like the moring in my home town even though it was around noon.
At the supermarket (it's large), we ate pizza for lunch. Why pizza? That's because we were going to eat Korean food in other day. It was cheap, it's W9900 (≒¥990), and it gave us a feeling of fullness. And there was a difference between Japan. In Japan, people can order drink, but can't get another cup. But here, Korea, (maybe also in the U.S. or other countries) people can! People can drink as much as they want!

After the lunch, we bought some foods include vegetables and candies. And I bought one video tape. That's why, I wanted to record the music programs that show Korean musics. (and I did it.)

the town I stayed 
There were free time at the house, so I watched TV and slept. After dad came home, we went to dinner. We ate "Samgyopsal". It's a kind of poke stake. The restaurant we went was the one we went to last summer.
It was delicious! (I always say, "it was delicious!". um~, I really like Korean food.)

And, as the dessert, I ate icecream with my sister. We backed home by foot with eating. It was about -5℃. We were eating icecream. hahaha!

ice cream 
December 27th ~1st day~
I'll tell you about my trip to Korea. At first, about the first day.
It was my second time to go to Korea. This time, I went there with my mom and younger sister. At Kansai Airport, we got a mobile phone, because we were going to contact with my dad when we got to Korea.
The flight itself was so good. I like taking pictures, so I didn't know it's ok or not, but I took some pics during flight.

the plane I took 

during flight 

during flight 2 
About 7:00 p.m., we got to Incheon International Airport, Korea. Last time I came here, I went to my dad's house with his car. But this time was not that. We had to go there by bus! Of course, we had to buy tickets with Korean. And then, I could buy three tickets with my poor Korean! I was very happy!
It took about two and half hours from the airport to the house. In the bus, there were Korean people and some American people. Behind me, there were some American people, maybe they're members of army, and it was so fun to listen to their talking! I couldn't get everything they talked, but I did get some points. During the riding, my sister felt sick, but I didn't have anything to drink!! Luckily, the Americans gave me a bottole of water! I really appreciated their kindness! Thank you so much!!
Around 9:30, we got to the station near to mu dad's house. It was a long trip... After we got to home, we ate dinner, took bath, and went to bed.
In Korea, there is "ondol". It's a kind of heating. The floor was warm! It was so comfortable for me.

"Kejan" I ate for dinner 
A Happy New Year!!
I wish this year, 2006, would be a great and better year for you all!
Have a nice 2006!!