Hi, how are you? I'm fine, because I slept very well! It's Sptember 28th, Thursday, 10:28 a.m.. On Tuesday and Thursday, I have no class in the morning! The class is on afternoon, and I have only one! What a wonderful thing it is!! (haha!) On both days, I get up at around 8, and I think with using sleeping brain, "Should I get up and have a breakfast, or keep sleeping?" Until a few weeks ago, I woke up and had a breakfst, but recently I was tired of the breakfast which serves same menu everyday. What do you think of that!? You wake up around 8, get ready to classes, and go to the cafeteria with feeling fresh air and sunshine. Then, you come to the cafeteria, there are same menus; scrambled eggs, potatos, cookie and gravy sause(I don't eat it), bread or bagel, and coffee. Oh, man! Of course, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday which I have classes from 9, I have, but I don't feel like to eat them on the no class day. So, I choose, "I don't wake up. I wanna sleep..." But there's a mistake... I'm hungry... Yes! I don't have any food until I have a lunch. If I go to JAVA, the coffee shop, there're some, but I don't wanna pay, and it's troublesome to go there, therefore I wait for the lunch time. If I had a refrigerator, I can buy milk and have cereals for breakfast, but I don't have... I have about 1 hour to have a lunch...
On this weekend, I have things to do everyday! On Friday, there's an event, "Mr. International". This is presented by International Club that I belong to. It's like an exhibition that boys from several countries, and Japanese girls, include me, will demonstrate the Japanese tea ceremony. I don't know about it, but my friend knows, so I'll explain it in English. On Saturday, I have a birthday party of my friend from Chili. And on Sunday, I have an activity of International Club, that is...........GOAT ROAST!! It sounds awful, but, at the same time, I'm excited. (haha!) Perhaps, I'll write about it here.
Photos of Ichiro

These are the pictures I took from the nearest point. Oh, whenever I see this pic, Ichiro comes up to my mind! I wanna see the game again~~~!!!!! And, congratulations Ichiro for 200 HIT in this season!!
This, the pic below, is the one my friend took. Don't you think she is a great camera man?

Seatle Mariners VS Kansas City Roylas

I went to the Kansas City after the classes to watch the base ball game of the major league. It was the first time to watch the game in live in any kinds of sports for me, and the game was "Seatle Mariners VS Kansas City Royals", so I was very excited! In Mariners, there are 2 Japanese players, Ichiro and Jojima, and I didn't expect that I can see them! When we got to the studium, all five Japanese girls were so excited! We shouted, "Ichiro is here!!!!" I knew that he is a real hero us. We got the cheapest ticket, and it cost only $7. Of course, it's far from the field and it's on the second floor, but I could enjoy and saw a beautiful lawn view. However, at around 7th, one American friend suggested to go down stairs, and see the players from nearer point. We 8 girls tried not to be found by ushers. Then, we did! We went to the nearest point! I couldn't believe that Ichiro is there! In front of me!! When I was excited, the woman who was next to me talked to me, "What happened?" You know, it's the Royals' home game, so there're many Royals' fan, it's strange to say "Ichiro!". So, I was talking to her, "We are from Japan, and study at the university. He, Ichiro, is a Japanese player, so we got excited!". She was a good woman. The game was finished with Mariners' win. It was sooooooo fan!!! I was adicted to the base ball game! After the game, there's a fire works show, and it last about 5 minutes. It was great! And after we went out the studium, we waited the players came out. Whenever someone came out, we shouted, "Ichiro-! Ichiro-!" Oh, he is a real hero! We couldn't see him, but today is the best day!
Base ball ticket $7
Coke & Hot dog $2
Today's game Priceless
This is the words my friend said.
I have to finish homewoks as much as I can until tonight. The due is next week, so I don't have to hurry up, but this weekend, I will go to camp with International students from Friday to Saturday! Hoo~~!! I'm very looking forward to camping, because it has camp fire, swimming, and canoeing! It sonds great, doesn't it? So, to enjoy the whole two days, it's better to finish the homework. And, in addition, I will meet with my host family on Sunday evening. Before I left Japan, I didn't know that there's a system to have a host family, and I can stay at their house. When I went to the Australia about 4 years ago, it was my first days to stay at the host family's house, but, at that time, my English was very poor (it IS poor.) and I couldn't tell what I want clearly, and it was full of regret. But, I hope this time will be different. Of course my English speaking and listenintg ability is not enogh, so I sometimes have troubles in classes, but for daily conversation for example at the cafeteria with my friends, it's better than me 4 years ago, I hope. And I learned that it's not good to be passive. The important thing is speak whatever I want even though the grammar and vocabulary are incorret. So, I really hope that it'll be a great meeting to me. (of course also to them!)
Oh, I have to stop blogging and being on the internet. My homework is...
-writing an essay
-picking up one idea of my informative speech
-reading textbook about theatre (I guess there're 4 chaoters...lol)
-memorizing the script
There are more than I expected...haha...
The greatest people in MSSU
Yesterday, September 4th, it was my 21st birthday. And, many people held a surprise party for me! I'm soooooooooo happy! I can't tell them my this feeling well with my poor vocab, but I really really appreciate and am happy.
The first surprise was a party on August 31th. I was inforemed that it's the birthday party for other two international students, so I attened it as the celebrate. At the time to blow out a candle, surprisingly I was also called! At first, I didn't understand what's going on, but before that, my Japanese friends gave me a curry and rice which they cooked and said, "Happy Birthday, Azusa!". Then I got what it was! It's a surprise! I was very moved, because it's my very first time to have such a great party! Many people, there were about 20 I guess, sung the happy birthday song to us three. In fromt of me, there's a cheese cake which I like the best! Some days ago, my friend asked me, "Which cakes do you like?" I didn't noice it's real meaning! The student from Germany baked the cake, I heard. It was soo delicious! And I got the present, MSSU T-shirt and shower gel, and nice birthday card. I found that some of them misunderstand my name, but I know it comes from the pronunciation. My name, Azusa, seems to be difficult to pronounce for English speakers, but I don't mind if I had friends and good time.
The second surprise was happened at the dinner on my birthday. My friend called me," Let's go to the cafeteria for dinner." It was a little bit early for dinner, but I went. Then, I brought the food to my seat, then, at that time, everyone shouted, "Otanjoubi Omedetou! ('happy birthday' in Japanese)"!!!!!!!!!!! Unconsciously I shouted!!! I was very very surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They sang the song, and gave me a cute teddy bear wearing glasses and big chocolate cake! I didn't expect it, so I was a little panic.
I'm very happy to come here, MSSU, and meet many great people from all over the world.