Today, I touched and used the gun for the first time! Of course, it's not a real one. I played "Paint Ball" with international students and American students. At first, I was very scary of using gun and playing this game. At the first game, it was a battle between two teams. When the staff said "GO!", I ran to go to the safe place to shot from there, but when I got there, my fun didn't work! I was upset, and then I found that my gun lost a part to put bullets! Oh, NO! So, I stayed at there until the game was over. While I was waiing for, I was watching how the game goes on, but it was VERY scary! It's similar to the image I saw on the TV that tells the war. People shot guns with hiding thier bodies. lol
After the game was over, I used my friend's gun and played, but it hurts! I was shot and it got hurt, and, of course, it's scary for me. I played about 3 games. I was very tired even though I played only 3 games, because the gun itself is heavy! My neck is stiff. But it was fun. Everything was new to me; holding gun, using gun, and be shot. My clothes were dirtied, but I, yesterday, bought used clothes for today, so I don't care. After I backed to the dorm, I threw them out! haha!:)
In Japan, we don't have such games, maybe bacause of the lack of space. We played it today underground. I couldn't believe it that there's enough space! Um~,,, everything is big in America.
I'm in America
2 weeks will have past since I came here, America. I'm sorry that I didn't keep blogging, but I had some troubles for the internet. However, now, you can see that it's completely all right! How do you do all? I'm really enjoying my life here in Joplin, Missouri. Of course, there are some unreasonable things; for example, the difference from Japanese culture. But I have to accept it, because this is not Japan. There are 5 Japanese people include me here. They are so nice! I'm really glad to meet them, and of course, the other international students. They are from several countries, and this is my first time to meet, talk with, and share the time with many people who have different backgrounds. I believe that this would be a great experience for me in the future.
Now, as I said before, it has past about 2 weeks here, and, at the same time, it has past 1 week since the classes started. They are interesting, but they are hard for me to understand. I was depressed some times, but many friends in here, from Japan, and my family in Japan supported me. I really really appreciate for their kindnesses!!! I love you all! I will study here for about 9 month, and I hope I will have a great time here with many great people!
Today, I'm gonna put some pictures below. :)

↑the plane I took from Osaka

↑the pics of the univ. In fromt of my dorm, and from the campus.

i went to the chocolate factory!
The day is coming to little by little
Finally, I will leave Japan tomorrow. It was very fast since I wrote last post, about two weeks ago. I can't drow a picture that I'm on the airplane, land on the U.S., stay at the hotel, and study at the univeristy! My current feeling is like a mixture of exciting and worring. It takes about 12 hours to go to the Dallas. I've never had a flight for 12 hours, the half of a day! The longest flight for me was about 2 hours to Korea. It takes 6 times to go over the Pacific Ocean.
Oops, it's dinner time! I will keep blogging!