Saturday, December 24, 2005

chirstmas day

Hi, how are you?
It's a christmas day! Are you enjoying?
In my case, I have part-time jobs from 23th to 26th. It's so hard, but
I need money to go to concerts or study abroad, so I'm going to work.

These days, it's so cold and it's snowy! On Thursday, it was amazingly snowy!
I had to go to the university, but train didn't work, so I couldn't go.
From my hometown to Osaka, it usually takes about 1 hour by train, but in that day,
it took about 3 hours! I can't believe it!
After I got off the train, it's hard to walk...
It's Sunday, but there are still snow around my house.

From 27th to January 1st, I'll go to Korea! bye~!


At Sun Dec 25, 06:40:00 a.m., Blogger スロ / Bernat said...

Merry Xmas Azusa!
To Korea? ohh that's good!

At Mon Dec 26, 05:31:00 a.m., Blogger CCoder said...

Too bad you had to work at weekend...

You go so often to Korea! ... i envy you ¨... good luck!


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